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Amazingly Realistic iPad Fingerpainting of Morgan Freeman

Morgan-Freeman.pngThis is really quite unbelievable, and in fact I was trying to disprove it on Cult of Mac has published an article of iPad artist Kyle Lambert who fingerpainted using his iPad and has created art of Morgan Freeman that is so realistic it looks like a photograph.

Using handwriting apps to take notes and not having the writing look very good, I have no idea how this artist has done this with his iPad. Even as I watched the video below, watching him lay it out step by step, I still have no idea how he did this. It appeared he was using very broad strokes, at least in the beginning. It resembled a fingerpainting then. But by the time it finishes, it looks so much like a photograph.

This is why I tried proving it to not be true at, but I couldn’t find any listing there for the Morgan Freeman painting. It’s a little easier to believe reading that it took Lambert over two-hundred hours to complete the painting with the app Procreate. He used 285,000 brushstrokes in all.

See for yourself below. What do you think? Is this true art or is the time-lapse video faked?

Photo credit: Cult of Mac and Kyle Lambert

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