After more than a year of waiting, American Horror Stories, a spin-off from the extremely popular American Horror Story franchise, premiered its first, two-episode narrative on July 15, 2021 on FX on Hulu. The two episodes, “Rubber(wo)Man Part One” and “Rubber(wo)Man Part Two”, premiered, while the show is going to continue streaming on a weekly basis.
Unlike American Horror Story, which followed one large(r) narrative during one season, American Horror Stories is going to be an anthology series – a genre of television becoming more and more popular over the years – with several, unconnected narratives depicted throughout the season.
The series is going to star different actors, among which we are also going to see some American Horror Story alums. A list of known names set to appear on the show includes Matt Bomer, Gavin Creel, Sierra McCormick, Kaia Gerber, Paris Jackson, Aaron Tveit, Merrin Dungey, Celia Finkelstein, Ashley Martin Carter, Valerie Loo, Selena Sloan, Belissa Escobedo, Naomi Grossman, Cody Fern, Chad James Buchanan, John Carroll Lynch, Cameron Cowperthwaite, Dylan McDermott, Charles Melton, Billie Lourd, Danny Trejo, Kevin McHale (the actor, not the basketball player), Dyllón Burnside, Madison Bailey, Rhenzy Feliz, Amy Grabow, Nico Greetham, Ronen Rubinstein, Virginia Gardner and Dane Diliegro. This is, of course, just a partial list of actors.
As announced, the first season is set to feature sixteen episodes, filmed throughout 2020. The series was initially announced back in May 2020, with filming beginning in August of that same year. Each episode is going to have its own title sequence – save for the two-part premiere, but these two episodes follow one single narrative – while the original American Horror Story font is going to be used for the show’s title. The composers for the show are César Dávila-Irizarry and Charlie Clouser.
American Horror Stories promises to be an interesting and fresh take on a well-known franchise, which is why we highly recommend it.