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APG Mobile Applications Releases Kids Self-Evaluate New Mobile iPhone App for School-Aged Children to Increase Self Awareness and Boost Self-Esteem

Review, compare and share everything with the paid version of Kids Self Evaluate mobile app. (PRNewsFoto/APG Mobile Applications)
Review, Compare And Share Everything With The Paid Version Of Kids Self Evaluate Mobile App. (Prnewsfoto/Apg Mobile Applications)

SANTA ROSA, Calif. — More than three years in the making, Kids Self-Evaluate (KSE) is an iPhone App that helps school-aged children answer the question: “How is my life right now?” It is not, by any means, a game; but it does have some game elements, as it was programmed by an 18-year-old high schooler in northern California.

Review, compare and share everything with the paid version of Kids Self Evaluate mobile app. (PRNewsFoto/APG Mobile Applications)

Moskoff hopes that the App benefits the user (ages 8-18) by giving them an objective sense of where they have both gifts and challenges in their lives. Possessing that knowledge will help them to avoid being confused by all the “noise” that comes from peers, the media, the culture. The App can be purchased from Apple for $1.99 in the App Store.

For parents, KSE provides a “window” into their child’s perceptions. “How’s school going?” when asked by a parent usually receives some sort of mumbled response; KSE changes that – parents can see, exactly, where their child is challenged or where s/he thinks he’s doing well.

The “engagement factor” is a known problem in getting young people to honestly and authentically respond to traditional surveys because they get bored and, often, perceive the survey, its questions and statements as irrelevant. KSE’s design and execution takes into account those realities and presents the sector with a new model in a young person’s language and package.

Another product from the mind and heart of innovator George Moskoff, KSE is the third app from his company, APG Mobile Applications (APG MA). His popular iSplit Divorce app is well rated by the Huffington Post.

Moskoff says, “I know we’re going out on a limb here by giving this tool to kids but this project is close to my heart; I’ve run a school and I know what kids are capable of – they can handle looking in the mirror.” The psychometrics in KSE, says Moskoff, allow them to do just that.

“Kids were never able to get access to anything like this before and I want that to change. Yes, we’re concerned about any emotional and psychological dust this instrument may stir up,” adds the inventor. That’s why the company set up a partnership with the National Runaway Safeline (NRS).

Based in Chicago, the NRS supports more than 100,000 troubled youth each year. With a grant from the Department of Justice, NRS trains and supervises a large group of volunteers who help — through an “800” number, email chats — troubled young people deal with a range of challenges. The NRS has now become a strategic partner of APG Mobile Apps.

NRS’s 30-year track record of successfully helping young people across the United States with a range of challenges was key in its selection. Logging more than 100,000 phone calls with 150 volunteers, NRS offers unique and competent support to users of Kids Self Evaluate.

APG Mobile Applications/PRNewswire

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