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App Store analytics could be used to identify users

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Apple can reportedly identify users in the analytics it collects from the App Store.

According to security researchers, Apple gives users a unique identifier that can be connected to iCloud accounts, meaning Apple can theoretically link the two together.

After Apple’s introduction of App Tracking Transparency and a number of other safety and security enhancements, it’s a concerning piece of information and something Apple will need to address. iOS developers Mysk have revealed that an ID in its analytics data referred to as “dsId” means “Directory Services Identifier” and links directly to a user’s account.

Apple can collate DSIDs with iCloud accounts, meaning associated names, emails, and other details can be connected to App Store activity, potentially giving Apple an unfair market advantage. As Mysk states, Apple’s Device Analytics & Privacy statement says, “None of the collected information identifies you personally,” which is “inaccurate” according to this report.

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