Apple Appoints Cynthia Bowman as New VP of Inclusion & Diversity Apple has announced Cynthia Bowman, a veteran of the banking sector, as its new Vice President of Inclusion and Diversity, succeeding Barbara Whye.

Cynthia Bowman | Image: Bloomberg

Cynthia Bowman joins Apple as the new Vice President of Inclusion and Diversity, taking over from Barbara Whye, who joined the Cupertino firm in 2021 following her departure from Intel. Apple confirmed this news through a spokesperson to Bloomberg, expressing enthusiasm about Bowman’s appointment and her commitment to advancing inclusion and diversity at the company.

Bowman brings extensive experience to Apple, having spent 17 years at Bank of America and held positions at Accenture and AT&T. She will report to Apple’s Chief People Officer Carol Surface and collaborate with various groups to support diversity initiatives.

Apple has a strong record of investing in social policies, including over $200 million in its Racial Equity and Justice Initiative. This program aims to enhance inclusion through improvements in education, criminal justice reform, and economic equality. Apple has also made significant strides in diversifying its workforce, with notable increases in the representation of Black, Asian, and Latino employees between 2014 and 2022.

Barbara Whye is set to retire, working with Bowman over the next few months to ensure a smooth transition.

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