Apple Highlights Versatility of Touch ID in New iPhone 6S Ad

Many of us now have iPhones and iPads with the in-built Touch ID fingerprint sensor, but how many of us use it for functions other than unlocking the device? In light of this, a new advert ā€“ actually specifically aimed at promoting the iPhone 6S ā€“ could prove surprisingly enlightening.

The ad, today uploaded to Appleā€™s YouTube channel, provides an insight into a wide range of purposes that the Touch ID sensor can be put to. These include logging into a bank account, checking into flights, buying goods with Apple Pay, signing documents, and evenā€¦ starting cars!

Last month, Apple expanded the functionality of Touch ID even further with the release of iOS 9.3, which allows individual entries in the Notes app to be protected with the fingerprint sensor. Third party developers have also embraced Touch ID; Microsoftā€™s Outlook app, for example, allows a user to unlock their email inbox with the sensor, and so help to keep messages away from prying eyes.

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