Apple launches educational resource for children during COVID-19 crisis

Promotional image titled "30 Creative Activities for Kids" with a link to, featuring four activity cards: "1 Personify something," "7 Emojify your mood," "17 Write a love letter to the planet," and "24 Send flowers." This Apple educational resource is perfect for engaging kids during COVID-19.

Apple has debuted a new educational resource for children and their parents who are working from home during the coronavirus outbreak, aimed at homeschooling.

The company has launched a new PDF file that offers thirty creative activities for kids to try out on their iPads, and the resource can be printed or download for free on Apple’s website.

Though the resource is designed primarily with the iPad in mind, it’s possible to complete some of them with a pen and paper, and others, like creating a time-lapse video, can be done on an iPhone or iPad touch where necessary if parents don’t have an iPad handy.

Other activities include writing a love letter to the planet, picturing your name, sending a loved one virtual flowers, recording a news interview with a parent, and emojifying a mood.

“Explore 30 fun, constructive, and creative activities to do with built-in features of iPad (you can also use an iPhone). Designed for children in grades PK–2, these activities can easily be tailored for the whole family,” Apple says in the PDF.

The idea is that children can take part in one activity every day for a month, giving them something to do when parents work.

Apple says that the activities are designed for children from pre-kindergarten through second grade, though most of the activities are fun for the whole family and can be easily adapted.

The company has been ramping up its homeschooling efforts during the COVID-19 crisis, and recently released a series of remote learning videos, designed to help schools use iPads and other Apple-branded products to offer classes and activities for children at home.

Are you homeschooling right now? Let us know how you’re getting on, and how Apple’s free resource might help you, on social media, and check back soon for more tips and tricks.

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