Apple Music and Apple Music Radio Available in 110 Countries

Are Apple Music and Apple Music Radio available in your country? It’s now easier to find out, as Apple has just published the full list of countries where both services are available. This list has just been brought to public attention by iPhone in Canada, which is especially timely as Apple has just released iOS 8.4 and iTunes 12.2 to support these new services.

These updates to iOS and iTunes also come with support for Beats 1 Radio and iTunes Match – and you can use the above mentioned list to see in what countries each of these four services are available. For example, Apple Music and Apple Music Radio are available in 110 countries, but Angola, the Bahamas, Burkina-Faso,Ā Israel, Mozambique, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Taiwan and Turkey so far only have iTunes Match.

Meanwhile, MacRumors has pointed out a similar, separate list that Apple has also posted, and which indicates countries and regions where Apple Music will be available in the US and Canada, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and other parts of the world.


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