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Apple shares new ad to highlight App Tracking Transparency feature

Apple iPhone

Apple has released a new advertisement to highlight its App Tracking Transparency feature.

The company issued the App Tracking Transparency update as part of iOS 14.5 earlier in the month, and now it’s hammering home the benefits of the feature to consumers.

The firm has already released a number of tutorials and guides on its YouTube channel, but the latest ad is destined for TV and will help to explain how the new privacy features work for users.

In the ad spot, an average smartphone user is seen going about his routine, and when he’s interacting with apps, people collect data on him and begin to follow him around.

By the end of the day, there are dozens of people following him through the streets. When he uses his iPhone and enables App Tracking Transparency, they disappear; an effective, humorous tale.

Apple’s labeled the new ad campaign as part of its ongoing “Privacy. That’s iPhone” mantra, and offers a more visceral and explanatory version of a previous ATT advertisement.

As consumers increasingly look to control more of their data, it’s good to see that Apple is spreading the word about its new software update, offering yet another reason to use iOS.

Google announced an update to its smartphone operating system Android this week, and when asked about an alternative to App Tracking Transparency, the company confirmed new rules would be in place as part of Android 12, though ruled out a full block on trackers.

What are your thoughts on this ad? Let us know and check back soon for more.

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