This week Apple continued to show their support for LGBT rights with their latest iPhone X advertisement titled ‘First Dance’. The company is known to support gay rights and equality through their marketing campaigns. The support comes from the top of the company with the CEO Tim Cook being openly gay and an advocate for the LGBT+ community.
Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, was recognised in 2017 for being the first openly gay CEO in the Fortune 500. Cook is known for speaking out on societal issues such as racism, homophobia, access to education and environmental issues. He was awarded the Annual Free Speech award from The Newseum Institute for his public speeches and advocacy.
In December 2017, Australia made it legal for same-sex couples to marry, a major milestone for the country and the LGBT movement. The bill saw a 61.6% vote from Australians in favour of equality. When announced it was met with a great response from MP’s in the Houses of Representatives.
The advert is titled ‘First Dance’ and is shot completely on iPhone X (with the small subtitles of ‘additional hardware used’). The advert features various same-sex couples at their weddings dancing and celebrating. The song ‘Never Tear Us Apart’ by Courtney Barnett plays throughout the advert and matches perfectly with the pride and celebration that is conveyed throughout.
Many shots in the advert show off the iPhone X’s high-quality camera and its slow-mo capabilities. It also shows several low light shots as proof of what the $999 phone can do. The ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaigns has been used for a while now, beginning with the iPhone 7 to advertise the new dual camera system that was introduced on the iPhone 7 Plus.
‘First Dance’ shows the public what the iPhone X is capable of whilst also giving a community a beautiful representation that is close to the heart of the company.