Apple teases “music is about to change forever” announcement

Apple Music+

Apple has teased the announcement of its rumored lossless Apple Music subscription service.

When users visit the Browse tab inside of the Music app on iOS and macOS, they’ll spot a new teaser that hints the new lossless service is coming soon. The headline reads: “Get ready – music is about to change forever.”

In recent weeks, we’ve heard that Apple is on the verge of announcing a new Hi-Fidelity audio experience for Apple Music, offering lossless music and even a Spatial Audio experience for compatible devices. Apple is expected to announce the new service, and perhaps launch new AirPods, on Tuesday 18th May.

Inside the teaser, the Apple Music logo spins and switches back and forth, suggesting Spatial Audio options.

We’ve already seen links to lossless music inside of iOS 14.6 beta code and on the Apple Music website.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you looking forward to an enhanced music experience? Let us know and check back soon on the AppleMagazine website for an expected announcement tomorrow.

(Header image source: Twitter)

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