The body of the series, Earthsounds, is a meticulously crafted 12-part docuseries produced by Offspring Films, known for their acclaimed project, Earth At Night In Color. Narrated by the charismatic Tom Hiddleston, the series embarks on an auditory exploration, revealing a side of our planet many have never experienced.
Over the span of 1,000 days, filmmakers ventured into diverse ecosystems to capture the unparalleled sounds of nature, from the whispers of the wilderness to the chorus of the cosmos.
Tom Hiddleston expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “I loved narrating Earthsounds. Offspring Films and Apple TV+ have created something totally unique. To see, and hear, the natural world in such extraordinary, intimate detail is utterly thrilling. It inspires wonder and awe.“
This series not only showcases the beauty of the natural world, but also underscores the power of sound to evoke deep emotions and connections with Earth’s many landscapes.
Viewers of Earthsounds will be taken on a global tour, from the lush rainforests of Queensland, Australia, to the icy expanses of the Antarctic shelf, the sandy dunes of Namibia, and the vibrant coral reefs teeming with life.
The docuseries aims to highlight sounds that are as fascinating as they are rare, including the mating calls of snow leopards, the “conversations” of ostrich chicks still in their eggs, the musicality of spiders, and the amorous calls of walruses under the sea. Alongside these intimate sounds, the series also delves into the broader sonic tapestry of the planet, featuring the hum of deserts, the sound of trees absorbing water, and the enigmatic buzz of the northern lights.
Behind the scenes, Earthsounds was brought to life by a dedicated team from Offspring Films, with Alex Williamson and Isla Robertson serving as executive producers, Sam Hodgson as series producer, and Tom Payne directing.
This marks the second collaborative effort between Offspring Films and Apple TV+, following the BAFTA-nominated series Earth At Night In Color, which also featured Hiddleston’s narration, further solidifying a fruitful partnership in bringing the marvels of the natural world to the screen.