Apple Watch Sells at Top End of Price Estimates, Says Report

The average Apple Watch, including accessories, sells for $529 – in line with the most optimistic Wall Street estimates, according to research firm Wristly’s recent survey of owners of the wearable.

The profitability of the Apple Watch has been tricky to measure, not least because different models can carry hugely varying price tags and Apple has resisted disclosing precise sales figures. However, this newly cited average selling price is high in the range of $425 to $550 previously suggested by many analysts.

Wristly founder Bernard Desarnauts, whose company surveyed over 2,200 Apple Watch owners, described the $529 figure as “quite a positive uplift”, noting that the wearable’s profitability may have been underestimated in some quarters.

To eliminate gender bias, Wristly assigned extra weight to female responses, who were underrepresented by numbers in the survey. Men were found to spend an extra $30 on the timepiece, whereas women tended to favor the smaller and less pricey models.

According to FBR Capital Markets analyst Daniel Ives, Wristly’s research suggests that the Apple Watch “could have a slightly positive impact in fiscal year 2016 as sales start to ramp up”.

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