On Wednesday, Apple posted quarterly net income that was flat from a year earlier, as a flood of new products meant high start-up costs for new production lines. The iPad Mini made its debut during the just-ended quarter, and the iPhone 5 came out in the closing days of the previous quarter. Here are details on the number of iPhones and iPads that Apple shipped in recent quarters, with percentage change from same period a year earlier.
- Quarter ending Dec. 29, 2012: 47.8 million iPhones (up 29 percent), 22.9 million iPads (up 49 percent)
- Quarter ending Sept. 29, 2012: 26.9 million iPhones (up 58 percent), 14.0 million iPads (up 26 percent)
- Quarter ending June 30, 2012: 26.0 million iPhones (up 28 percent), 17.0 million iPads (up 84 percent)
- Quarter ending March 31, 2012: 35.1 million iPhones (up 88 percent), 11.8 million iPads (increase of about 2.5 times)
- Quarter ending Dec. 31, 2011: 37 million iPhones (more than double), 15.4 million iPads (more than double)
Associated Press