“A century ago, the grotesque giants known as Titans appeared and consumed all but a few thousand humans. The survivors took refuge behind giant walls. Today, the threat of the Titans is a distant memory, and a boy named Eren yearns to explore the world beyond Wall Maria. But what began as a childish dream will become an all-too-real nightmare when the Titans return and humanity is once again on the brink of extinction…”
The text above is actually the official synopsis of Attack on Titan, the hit anime series adapted from Hajime Isayama’s manga of the same title, considered by many to be one of the best modern-day anime series currently on the air. Fans will, of course, immediately recognize the synopsis and will be pleased to hear that we have good news about the show’s final season.
Namely, the second part of the fourth and final season of Attack on Titan, titled Season 4B, which is set for a January 2022 release, has finally released a first look teaser trailer which showed us what we can expect from the show’s final season.
As you can see for yourselves, the show promises to be quite crazy and we seem to be in for quite a treat. Sure, those who have read the manga will know how things end, but for those of you that have just seen the anime, it seems that the producers have a true treat for us.
Attack on Titan has been on the air since 2013, with 78 episodes being aired as of October 2021. The show was divided into four seasons, with seasons three and four being further divided into two parts each – 3A and 3B, and 4A and 4B. Eight additional original video animation (OVA) episodes have been released, as well as three movies (the first movie is a two-parter), the most recent of which aired in 2020.
Critically acclaimed and loved by fans, Attack on Titan is nearing its end and while we are sad to hear it, we’re looking forward to seeing what the studio has in store for us for the show’s final season.