Facebook Makes Changes to Friends List Interface

Without much fanfare, Facebook has changed the Friends List interface. I Googled and looked for news of the change, but couldn't find it. Nonetheless, I noticed today that they changed the interface, making it more informational and organized.

Look at the above picture. Note, I have more than one faceless friend. I erased the names and faces assuming they might not want their pictures and names plastered on a website declaring themselves as my friend. But get beyond the obvious blank spaces and you'll see that the friends list is now in two columns instead of three or four stretching across the page. Additionally, it's organized and broken down in the headings with a list of all your friends, the ones you've recently added, and the ones you know from high school.

If you go to someone else's wall it's even more different. Previously there was a block of rows of pictures of mutual friends, and then a block of rows of pictures of all friends. These are now broken down and organized in headings as well. It's broken down into all friends, mutual friends, friends that were recently added, friends from high school, and people you may know.

It should be noted that this change applies to the regular interface when viewing Facebook on a desktop. Although I'm on an iPad, I still choose to view mine this way. I do a lot of work via browser, so I just find it easier to access Facebook in the browser instead of the Facebook app, and also view the website in the desktop version instead of mobile.

I like the change. It's much cleaner. Not that I didn't appreciate the last version, as I did. It was certainly better than that plain list of names. But this change just makes it that much better.


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