Find My iPhone Used by Dad to Find Son’s Car Crash

Find My iPhone is definitely comes in handy locating an iPhone that has been dropped or stolen. That's a given and the reason iPhone owners install it to begin with. We're usually just worried about losing our phones. It turns out, though, that it can be even more of a lifesaver, as it was recently used by a father to locate his son whose car had crashed.

According to KSBY, the 17-year-old young man had been traveling in his car in Santa Barbara, California, and crashed his vehicle. Paramedics arrived on the scene, and his vehicle was 200 feet away from the road … and he wasn't in it, or anywhere else in sight. His father used the Find My iPhone service and found his son 150 feet away.

The young man had attempted to walk away to find help and had apparently collapsed there and spent the night. The paramedics reached him and airlifted him to the Cottage Trauma Center in Santa Barbara. The California Highway Patrol is investigating exactly what happened to cause the car to leave the road to begin with.

He was only 150 feet away. He would have eventually been found, but it would have taken so much longer, and who knows if it would have been in time or not. As a parent of teenagers, this is making me want them to have Find My iPhone on their devices.

My son does in fact have the app on his iPhone, but it's a separate account from mine, so I wouldn't be able to find him. I would have to have his sign-in info, which I know he'd be worried I would be stalking or creeping his every move. He could never possibly understand at his age the magnitude of importance it could someday hold. Besides, he's 19 and officially an adult. But if I had a child with an iPhone 17 and under, you can bet I would have this app on it so that I could find them in any emergency.


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