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Firefox Web Browser gets dark mode, new tab features on iOS

Firefox Web Browser gets dark mode, new tab features on iOS

Firefox has just joined the dark side! No, not in the Star Wars sense. Instead, Mozilla, the company behind Firefox, has introduced a new, dark mode to its iOS web browser.

Today, Mozilla has released an update which darkens the interface on the iOS version of Firefox. The same update includes some tweaks for easing user navigation of the interface, whether black or white.

You might have long been familiar with Firefox’s Night Mode option, where many webpage colors are inverted, as is much the case with the in-built iOS function Smart Invert. However, the new version – number 13 – of Firefox adds a Dark theme which augments Night Mode.

To active Night Mode, tap the three-line button at the interface’s lower right before, with the toggle button, switching on Night Mode. From there, you can then just head into Settings and subsequently Display to select the Dark theme, enabling a more enjoyable night-time browsing experience.

In Firefox version 13, you can also now rearrange the order of individual tabs by dragging them and search for content in tabs by bringing up the open tabs screen, where you can use a search bar.

You can download Firefox Web Browser – as it is officially named – free-of-charge in iPhone- and iPad-optimized versions from the iOS App Store.

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