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First Automatic Security Update for Macs

Apple has sent out its first ever automatic security update for Mac computers. The updates come as researchers express fears about a new series of complex bugs. Unlike the company’s usual updates, the new series of security patches do not require user approval. It’s thought that the company made the decision to launch automatic updates due to the severity of the bugs.

Apple spokesman Bill Evans called the update “seamless”, saying that users don’t even need to restart their machines for the fixes to be implemented. The Department of Homeland Security and the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute recently spoke about the bugs, saying that products from a range of tech companies were likely to be affected.

It’s said that hackers have been targeting part of the OS X operating system known as the network time protocol. This protocol synchronizes computer systems’ clocks. Apple rival Microsoft has offered automatic security updates to its users for a significant period of time. Apple first started working on automatic updates two years ago but had not actually used them until now.

Do you own a Mac computer? Would you like to see more automatic security updates? Let us know in the comments section below.

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