Here’s your first look at Dark Mode on iOS 11

It’s a feature that fans have been waiting for. And, although Apple has bowed down and integrated a Dark Mode into its operating system entirely, it will be possible to view stock apps through Dark Mode when iOS 11 hits our download boxes this September.

Although this mode wasn’t officially unveiled with the iOS 11 announcement earlier this week, developers with an early preview of the operating system have noted a new Dark Mode while testing.

Similar to the “Invert Colors” setting in iOS 10, the new setting is designed to make the iPhone easier on the eyes when it’s dark.

Owen Williams was one of the first to spot the new feature, and tweeted is excitement along with more information on the Invert feature. Unlike Invert Colors, Invert no longer affects images and other multimedia content, but third-party apps are not supported and will require updates in order to work with the new mode.

Apple’s traditional white screens are replaced by pure black, with light blues and oranges complementing the display.

It’s not the Dark Mode we were all hoping for, but it’s close enough.

What are your thoughts on this new mode? Did Apple do enough to keep night owls happy, or would you like a universal Dark Mode added before iOS 11 is released? Let us know on @AppleMagazine.

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