GlassesOff Announces Official Launch of App Aimed at Eliminating Dependency on Reading Glasses

Based on breakthroughs in neuroscience, GlassesOff empowers people to take control of their vision to improve their quality of life

GlassesOff Inc. (OTCBB:GLSO), a neuroscience technology company, today announced the official launch of its innovative iPhone application GlassesOff(TM). The GlassesOff mobile app aims to eliminate the dependency on reading glasses of people over the age of 40 who experience natural age-related changes in their near vision sharpness.

GlassesOff targets the large population of people who experience the inevitable natural age-related changes in reading abilities, usually starting at the age of 40. It is estimated that more than one billion people worldwide and about 100 million in the U.S. alone experience such age-related changes, with these numbers expected to rise significantly through 20501.

The GlassesOff app is the result of years of advanced scientific research, resulting in several breakthroughs in the field of neuroscience. To complete the program, users need to spend just 12-15 minutes per day, three times a week, for about three months. The application will initially be available for iOS operated devices (iPhone/iPad/iPod) and is expected to be available for Android operated devices during the early months of 2014.

Extensive scientific studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the GlassesOff program. In a study carried out at the University of California at Berkeley, all subjects who completed the GlassesOff program were able to read standard newspaper font size without the use of reading glasses, while improving their “Eye Age” by an average of 8.6 years. The results of this study were published in Nature’s prestigious scientific publication, Scientific Reports2.

“Traditionally, near distance reading improvement solutions were limited to optical corrections such as glasses, contact lenses and refractive surgery. However, human vision performance is in fact limited by two factors: the quality of an image captured by the eye and the image processing capability of the brain as it interprets such images,” said Nimrod Madar, CEO of GlassesOff Inc.

Mr. Madar continued, “GlassesOff’s innovative solution is designed to improve reading by enhancing the image processing function of the visual cortex, demonstrating the amazing potential of the human brain. We created this app because we wanted to empower people who experienced natural age-related changes in reading ability to take control of their vision and improve their quality of life. Our personalized app constantly adapts according to users’ progress, with the ultimate goal of freeing them from dependency on magnifying devices such as reading glasses.”

The GlassesOff app is free to download from the App Store and offer users access to a vision evaluation and the first segment of the GlassesOff program. After Using the GlassesOff app for approximately two weeks, users will be given the option to subscribe to the full version, which includes additional advanced segments, for $59.99. However, during the launch, subscriptions will be offered at a special price of just $9.99.

For further information visit

GlassesOff Inc./Business Wire

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