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Google to Warn Users Over Non-HTTPS Sites

Google is planning on warning its users that their data may be at risk every time they visit a website not using the “HTTPS” system. It’s thought that only a third of all website do use the safer system, though more and more sites are using it in order to protect data. The plan was proposed by Google Chrome developers.

The move has been met with praise by security experts – although some fear that it may cause confusion. If plans go ahead, visitors to HTTP-only sites will be warned that the connection offers “no data security”. The Chrome team expressed surprise that browsers currently do nothing to warn users that there data is unprotected when visiting HTTP sites.

They say that users should be warned about all websites posing a security risk. In HTTPS, cryptographic systems are used to scramble data when it is sent to a website and back again. Insecure connections are apparently being used not only by cyber thieves but government authorities too, with spying taking place and data being stolen. It’s hoped that the move will encourage website owners to make their sites more secure and adopt encrypted HTTPS. Most well-known sites are already using HTTPS, whilst Google is offering higher rankings to sites that have adopted it.

Do you think it’s time for more sites to switch to HTTPS? Maybe you’re surprised to learn how insecure HTTP is? Tell us below.

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