The dynamics of the computer market have long been shaped by competition among various operating systems and brands, with the battle between macOS and Windows capturing headlines for years. However, a notable shift is occurring, as a considerable number of users from Windows PCs and Chromebooks are now choosing Macs as their next computing platform.
A study by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) provides insight into the purchasing habits of Mac buyers, particularly focusing on those who have recently left other platforms for Mac. The data reveals that about one-third of Mac purchasers over the past year were previously using Windows-based PCs.
In addition, former Google Chromebook users accounted for 16% of new Mac customers. In total, nearly 60% of Mac buyers in the last year were not previous Mac users, indicating a significant influx of newcomers to the platform.
The full market share percentages for past computer ownership in 2023 were: 43% were Mac users, and 35% came from PCs, along with the 16% from Chromebooks.

CIRP said of this phenomenon: “It feels like we are back in 2001 at the first Apple store, with newly minted Geniuses actively trying to convert PC owners into Mac buyers. In fact, we think iPhone, which arrived six years later, is continuing the job that the Apple Store started.”
This statement reflects the strategic role of the iPhone in Apple’s ecosystem, serving as a bridge for users to discover other Apple products, including Mac computers. The iPhone’s introduction transformed the smartphone market and has subsequently influenced consumer behavior towards Apple’s broader product lineup.
Historically, the Mac was a cornerstone product for Apple, but this relationship inverted after the iPhone’s launch. Initially, Mac users were the primary adopters of the iPhone, which required a Mac to organize content before iCloud.
Now, the iPhone stands as Apple’s flagship product, driving the company’s growth and sales. This shift also means that many individuals switching to iPhone, who may have previously used PCs or Chromebooks, are now exploring other Apple products, contributing to the growing number of Mac users transitioning from rival platforms.