Herff Jones | Nystrom, a leading educational publisher for the K-12 market, and Roundarch Isobar, a leading agency in digital marketing, unveil a cutting-edge learning experience tool with the StrataLogicaĀ® app for iPad. This is now available in the Apple App Store.
The app is targeted for use with K — 12 students in the classroom, media center, and at home with age-appropriate and curriculum content that develops the skills for career, college, and civic success. The app is free and includes free sample content to allow anyone to download the app and experience the potential of StrataLogica.
Launched in 2009, StrataLogica continues to be a leader of innovation in the 21st century digital classroom. As the iPad continues to proliferate in education, the StrataLogica app for iPad demonstrates Herff Jones | Nystrom's commitment to creating immersive and effective learning experiences across multiple platforms.
The release of the app for iPad puts that power directly in the hands of the teacher and students, allowing them to tap, swipe, and pinch to explore and learn. Interacting with the world through StrataLogica becomes a very personal educational experience for the user. The availability of the app for iPad is expected to expand the use of StrataLogica in both the classroom and in the home.
“For the past several years StrataLogica has been providing relevant and engaging layers of geography, history, and earth science content in classrooms around the world. Given the growing popularity of the iPad in schools around the globe, it was only natural for us to create an app that would allow teachers and students to interact with StrataLogica's layers of learning,” said Don Rescigno, director of marketing, Herff Jones | Nystrom. “These content layers are engaging and target the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.”
“We are very proud of our partnership with Herff Jones | Nystrom in the continued design and development of this breakthrough digital learning tool,” said Scott Judy, vice president of user experience and creative services at Roundarch Isobar. “StrataLogica was always designed to be a touch-based, highly engaging experience that draws students into their world. The iPad is the perfect delivery vehicle for StrataLogica, and the application takes advantage of the iPad's features in order to elevate the StrataLogica experience to a new level. I can't wait to see students around the world using it in and out of the classroom.”
Herff Jones | Nystrom will introduce the StrataLogica app for iPad at the Florida Education and Technology Conference in Orlando, FL, and the BETT Show in London, UK.
The StrataLogica app for iPad can be downloaded for free at the Apple App Store.
Business Wire