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Holiday Device Activations Set Record

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Credit: William Brawley

LOS ANGELES — Digital devices were under a lot of Christmas trees this year as a record 17.5 million Apple or Android devices were activated Christmas Day, a report says.

App analytics platform Flurry said the total was more than 2 1/2 times the 6.8 million activations on Christmas Day last year and more than four times the average of 4 million activations per day from Dec. 1-20, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.

Flurry, which tracks more than 260,000 apps, says it is able to detect more than 90 percent of new iOS and Android device activations each day.

More tablets were than smartphones activated on Christmas, Flurry said, with Apple and Android tablets accounting for 51 percent of the day’s activations.

That’s in contrast to normal days when smartphones account for 80 percent of activations, Flurry said.

App downloads also saw a Christmas Day spike with more than 328 million apps downloaded, compared to 155 million a day average from Dec. 1-20, it said.

United Press International

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