Huawei has launched new smartphones in London, saying that its new handsets can create “professional” looking images and videos. The company claims to have made this possible via an advanced sensor and optical image stabilization technology. It says that the technology offers superior night photos, with the phones also able to create “light painting” effects.
The phones will be powered by Android. The P8 version comes with a 5.2″ screen, while the more expensive P8max features a 6.8″ display. Both phones offer a 13MP rear camera. The camera features an image sensor that includes pixels designed to measure white light. The company says that this will mean high-quality images even in high contrast and low light situations. The phones’ stabilization component is designed to minimize camera shake.
The result of all of this, according to Huawei, will be richer-colored photos than those offered by Apple’s iPhone 6.