Last week, there was a test run by CNETÂ to determine which iPhone 5 carrier provided the best call quality. Although the test was not the most scientific, they were able to conclude that there was in fact a difference in call quality between the three carriers, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon.
Take  note that the calls were placed from isolated areas in New York City and San Francisco. The coverage between the three carriers might be different, but nonetheless, it was decided that the Sprint calls had the clearest quality.
First, they placed a call from a corner in New York City to San Francisco using a 4S model to compare quality. They would leave voicemail messages using both models and quickly figured out that the iPhone 5 had better quality and less background noise.
Then they moved on to the test between the big three’s iPhone 5 call quality, making the same call from NYC to San Francisco.
The call from Verizon’s iPhone 5 was a bit clearer with less background noise compared to the call using the AT&T handset; however, a close listen to the recording did reveal some hiss and popping.
Sprint came out on top without a doubt. The voice came through with a “richness and clarity” not heard on the other network’s calls. There was no distortion on the call or loud hissing noises or ambient noise.
Apple released three different versions of the iPhone 5, two being compatible with the two different wireless technologies deployed in the U.S. The AT&T iteration uses GSM technology, the Verizon and Sprint versions both operate on CDMA networks, and all three support 4G LTE, albeit on different bandwidths.
The fact that all three calls were made with iPhone 5 models using the same technology proves how much a carrier’s signal really matters. If you are planning to purchase or upgrade to the new iPhone 5, will this quick test sway you to consider signing up with Sprint?
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