iPhone 8 wishlist: six features we want from the next iPhone

Earlier this week, Apple unveiled iOS 11, the latest edition of the smartphone operating system. And, while weā€™re excited to try the iPad Dock, redesigned App Store and updated Notifications Center, what weā€™re really excited for is using the software on a new iPhone.

The iPhone 8, which will celebrate ten years of iPhone, is expected to be unveiled at a special Apple event this September, alongside the official release of iOS 11. Straying from its usual release model (numbered year, S year), iPhone 8 is expected to include all of the features we know and love about iPhone and take them to the next level.

Understandably, anticipation for the new smartphone is high. Perhaps the most hyped and rumoured iPhone in history, features of the iPhone 8 have been speculated long before the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus were released to the public last September. But what do we really want to see in the next edition of the smartphone?

Here at AppleMagazine, weā€™ve put together an iPhone 8 wishlist, with six features we think the new smartphone needs toĀ include.

What do you want to see from iPhone 8? Let us know on social media using @AppleMagazine, and donā€™t forget to share this infographic on your own website.

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