iStroll Kid – iPad Case for Baby Strollers Launches on Kickstarter

iStroll Kid for baby strollers. (PRNewsFoto/iStroll Kid)

ORLANDO, Fla. — The iStroll Kid allows parents to connect the iPad to any stroller and go. While your child is busy watching a video or interacting with a educational app, parents are free to run errands, shop, or go for a walk. Today the iStroll Kid launches a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise funds to start production. The original purpose of the iStroll Kid was simply to connect to a child's stroller. This changed when we started to receive emails from parents with children with special needs requesting to purchase the iStroll Kid.

“My 6 year old son has seizures and is non verbal. Last year I purchased him the IPad and for the first time he's been able clearly to communicate his needs and wants. I've been looking for an attachment for his wheelchair/stroller, since he is not able to hold the IPad and use it at the same time. This looks perfect!,” writes a mother.

We had a greater purpose; the original design was scrapped and the iStroll Kid was modified to also connect to a wheelchair and not just a stroller. “What really excites me most about this project is how much we can all help kids who rely on tablet computers to improve their quality of life,” Says Christian Souza inventor of the iStroll Kid. “The feeling that something like this will help a special needs child is truly the best feeling in the world. With the help of our funders via Kickstarter, we hope to make this project a reality.”

The campaign with Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing campaign which means if the iStroll Kid fails to secure the total funds required we won't receive any of the funds pledged.

To pre-order, please visit our Kickstarter campaign.

iStroll Kid/PRNewswire

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