Keep Losing That Apple TV Remote? Try Logitech

I love my Apple TV, but that tiny little remote is always so worrisome. I have all sets of rules regarding my kids using it, and most of them have to do with where it needs to be returned to when they're done using it. It could so easily fall in between the cushions and get lost. Let's face it. All remotes do that, but that one would likely never be found.

Apps can be downloaded to your iOS device that will do the same thing as the Apple TV remote, but that just isn't the same. Logitech has now come up with a touchscreen remote that will not only replace that Apple TV remote, it can replace your others as well.

The Logitech Harmony TV Remote has a touchscreen, just like your iOS devices, that allow you to scroll and swipe your way to what you want to watch, listen to, or play. It has fifty customizable icons that allow you to program in all your favorite channels or options from your remotes, including the Apple TV remote.

From this description, it sounds like you can then program the Harmony Remote to have included both your favorite channels from your dish or cable service, as well as your iTunes movies, YouTube, and NetFlix. That would certainly be handy to be able to switch back and forth like that instead of switching remotes all the time.

There are, of course, a few downsides. For one, it's not available yet and won't be until later this month in the U.S. and Europe. For another, it will set you back $249.99, a steep price for a remote, two-and-a-half times the price of the Apple TV. And for another, you'll need Mac OS or Windows to set it up. You won't be able to set it up using iOS.

I'll be skipping the Logitech remote, but my hope is that it will spur on more copycat inventions, and that there will be cheaper devices available to do much of the same thing.

Photo Credit: Logitech


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