G.Fast is a technology that utilises existing copper networks allowing for a huge leap forward in internet speeds for small business owners.
In December 2017, BT Openreach announced that 330Mbps capable hybrid fibre G.fast broadband network is now available. Zen Internet is also trailing G.Fast, and companies such as Sirius Telecoms are hoping to utilise G.Fast in order to provide the best service to small business owners. Jolene Sundin, Operations Manager at Sirius Telecom explained:
“This is a must for us as a new business to ensure we can provide the latest and best technology for the ever-changing and competitive connectivity market.”
Staying on top of changes in the industry is vital for any company. This close-knit team has over ten years’ experience in telecommunications and Sirius Telecom is a member of Federation of Communication Services, the trade association for companies delivering communication services to their client base. This helps them stay up to date with any industry regulation changes in an ever-changing and continually competitive market. G.Fast interests the company in particular, as it helps them provide the best internet speeds to small businesses.
If you are interested in working with this Washington-based telecoms company, through their Become a Partner scheme, they are on the search for businesses that can assist with the supply of high-end products and services to an existing customer base. Each relationship with the company is flexible and so far these partnerships have attracted IT providers and Telecoms systems suppliers. They have also attracted businesses that are looking to add relevant products to their existing portfolio alongside a new revenue stream. The company has current partnerships with BT Openreach, Vodafone, Zen Internet and more.
Head to www.siriustelecom.uk to find out how Sirius Telecom can help your business or call the team on 0191 419 8181.