Microsoft Releases “SmartGlass” Application for Android Phones

Gamers and entertainment junkies have been anxiously awaiting any news regarding the SmartGlass application ever since Microsoft gave a sneak peek about it at this year’s E3 event. And now we finally have some new news regarding the highly anticipated service. Microsoft has officially released the Android Smartphone version of its application, and it’s currently available for free in the Google Play Store. This is a big step for the tech giant who is hoping to reign in some customers within the “living room entertainment” sector of consumer technology.

Once the application is downloaded, you’ll need to enter your Xbox Live user name and password to get started. There are tons of operations you can complete from within the app that will help to greatly enhance your Xbox Live experience. And Microsoft has promised that game developers will start to include SmartGlass specific features into a variety of game types in the future. In fact, we caught a glimpse of this potential at E3 when Microsoft demoed the ability to “draw new plays” in the popular NFL franchise Madden. But what can you currently do with SmartGlass, as it stands now?

+ Search the entire Xbox Live catalog of Music, Movies, and Games.

+ Track and compare your gaming achievements with Xbox Live friends.

+ Play, pause, and fast forward movies and music videos.

+ Use your phone keyboard to type directly into text boxes on your Xbox 360.

+ Edit your Xbox profile, change your 3D avatar, and toggle settings.

+ Interact and message friends.

+ Navigate your Xbox 360 system dashboard with swipes and taps on your Android Smartphone.

Most of the gaming features that are expected will come later on, and to be honest, it’s up to the game developers to craft immersive and interesting experiences with the SmartGlass app. Microsoft’s job is “done” essentially, and they have successfully released the shell that could quite possibly change how gamers and entertainment seekers interact with their consoles. We have yet to see SmartGlass released for iPad and iPhone, or any other “app stores.” But sources suggest that Microsoft will be releasing its application to all other outlets soon.

Photo Credit: Microsoft

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