Netflix Introduces Personalized ‘My Netflix’ Section for iOS Users Netflix has rolled out a new 'My Netflix' section for iOS users, offering a personalized hub for users to discover content more easily. The move comes as Netflix continues to enhance user experience amid intensifying competition in the video streaming market.

Netflix iOS

The ‘My Netflix’ feature expands on the company’s previous ‘My List’ functionality, which was introduced across Netflix’s mobile, TV, and web apps in 2013. ‘My List’ allows users to save movies and TV shows they intend to watch in the future, helping them easily find saved content for later viewing.

The newly added ‘My Netflix’ section presents users with an aggregated view of all TV shows and movies they have saved, liked, or downloaded, as well as recently watched content, reminders, and watched trailers. This content is all displayed in one convenient location.

The ‘My Netflix’ tab updates automatically with new content as users interact with the platform and express their preferences. The more users engage with the platform and specify their likes – by saving more action-thrillers to ‘My List’ or giving a thumbs up to every season of Bridgerton, for instance – the more personalized content they’ll find in the ‘My Netflix’ tab.

Netflix has currently made this feature available on iOS, with plans to roll out on Android in early August.

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