New Game of Thrones Episodes Leak

The first episodes of Game of Thrones have leaked online before their release. Four episodes have reached torrent sites, with the company declining to respond to the copyright breach. Greg Spence of the Game of Thrones post-production team recently admitted that he was worried about leaks.

Spence said: “The cast is looping all over the world, sending files back and forth. Artists are working in special-effects houses all over the world. The files are watermarked, and editors have to confirm in writing that they’ve deleted them.”

The trailer for the new season of the cult drama leaked in January following the broadcast of the season four finale, with the official version being released soon after. Game of Thrones has become one of the most popular shows in the world and was named the world’s most pirated TV show three years running.

The fantasy drama is created by and broadcast on HBO. It is based on George. R. R. Martin’s fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire. The award-winning show takes its title from the first novel in the series and is renowned for its graphic depiction of sex and violence. It made its debut in 2011.

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