New Google Data Reveals Popular Gifts Among Holiday Shoppers

We don’t doubt that you’re probably still rushing to get all of those presents to lavish on friends and family this holiday season. In fact, at least some of the gifts you’ve got your eye on likely appear in the lists, shared today by Google, of especially popular items among holiday shoppers.

In a new post on its official blog, Google has named many of the gifts mentioned in online shopping trends originating from the US on Google Search. The last year has seen shopping searches for drones increase by 80%, largely due to the attraction of inexpensive toy drones. Hoverboards are also ranking well, even if they’re not quite like those predicted by Back to the Future, Part II

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens arriving in theaters before the festive season’s out, this has obviously helped Sphero’s BB-8 Droid toy, pictured above, in also joining the top trends. Just last week, we at AppleMagazine named it our choice for Best Toy of 2015 – there are plenty of great reasons to get hold of one.

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