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New Health-Tracking “Smart Bands” for Apple Watch in 2016?

There is already a wide choice of different-colored bands available for the Apple Watch, but a new report claims that Apple is now intending to bring out “smart bands” to add impressive new layers of health-tracking functionality to the wearable.

A story published today by the Czech website Letem Svetem Applem reports unidentified sources revealing that these bands will have sensors capable of measuring an Apple Watch wearer’s respiratory rate, blood pressure, body temperature and blood oxygen.

These functions, the site notes, could only deliver accurate readings in bands, rather than the watch’s main body. Furthermore, such feature-rich bands could prove especially financially convenient for Apple, as they could enable the company to continue selling to Apple Watch owners who are not interested in purchasing new Apple Watch models on a yearly basis.

The sources have added that Apple is making these “smart bands” to come in a range of styles and configurations, and could bring the first of these bands to market in early 2016.

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