Far from a Big Mac…
“Faster, smaller, lighter and thinner” is a particular highlight of the reviews just in for the latest incarnation of Apple’s Macbook Air, released (of course) just in time for Christmas. Weighing just over 2lbs, it is lighter than a feather and thinner than Victoria Beckham, allowing Apple once again to make the claim that they have produced one of the world’s thinnest notebooks.
Surprisingly only the third generation in Apple’s hugely successful popular range of specifically lightweight-but-still- do-almost-everything computers, it looks as if this design is to be the most sought after yet. Millions of die-hard Apple fans were savvy enough to have pre-order the new Macbook Air and received it on the day of release.
However, for those relying on your local Apple store, remember to walk in with your fingers crossed because stock of this year’s must have model will be running notoriously low. And if you’re hoping to order the new Macbook Air from the comfort of your own with your old Macbook Air, be prepared to wait until the middle of November before you get your hands on it.
Exceeding techspectations?
You’d expect such a sought after piece of kit which is selling so well to be able to live up to the crazy amounts of preorders it has been garnering. Instead of focusing on the aesthetics of the $1,199 notebook (a signature move of the Apple fanatics), maybe it’s a bit wiser to have a look at the techs and specs of Apple’s newest pricey gadget.
With it’s ultra fancy retina display – a feature Apple have pushed mercilessly over the last few years – you’ll be able to binge watch Netflix in slighter sharper HD than a model with a standard display. The addition of the Touch ID to the Air series is a feature fans have been waiting a long time for, but given that it is accompanied by specs such as as the same T2 chip featured in last year’s MacBook Pro and iMac models, you have to wonder what you will be spending your $1,199 on.
It’ll probably come as no surprise either to learn how that hefty price tags is only the first in a series – the price tag getting ever heavier as each technicality increases slightly. The starting price for the new Macbook will land you with a 13.3″ screen and 128GB of storage space, which is pretty paltry in today’s world of uploading and downloading. If in the event you can’t get your hands on the ultra trendy Macbook Air, perhaps it would be worth looking at the HP HP Envy 13, which although thicker, probably due to its generous 256GB – and has the same processing speed of 3.6GHz.
Retailing at the same price as the Macbook Air, it seems a little scandalous of Apple to charge so much for what appears to be so little. But with such an astonishing amount of preorders, who can blame them?  However you’re one of the millions who have found themselves in a Snow White situation and are unable to resist the Apple, the latest edition of the Macbook Pro is slightly bigger, which due to its power allows for better distribution of RAM, CPU and therefore user activity, will cost you only $100 more.
It seems to be that Apple have done what they always do with their Air series. They’ve produced a glossy machine, thin and pretty and for the price – rather empty. The Marilyn Monroe of Macbooks.