46% of Americans think that the voice recognition capabilities of Apple’s intelligent personal assistant for its iOS applications has been “oversold” according to a poll of over 2000 American consumers by speech technology experts Intelligent Voice(TM).
44% also rate Siri’s accuracy as “Hit or Miss” or worse.
A mere 12.7% rate Siri as “Extremely accurate.”
Full results can be found at http://www.intelligentvoice.com/blog/new-poll-apple-oversold-siri-says-46-americ ans/.
“Voice Recognition is an emerging technology that’s been emerging for 30 years,” says Intelligent Voice(TM) CTO Nigel Cannings. “We need to be careful that we sell what is possible, and it seems we’re not doing that. ‘Star Trek’ communication with computers is still a long way off.
“With the release of iOS 7, Apple has dropped the ‘Beta’ tag for Siri, but the need for an Internet connection as well as issues with transcription do leave open to question whether that was a wise idea.”
Intelligent Voice/PRNewswire