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Nintendo Switch Specs Leaked Online

No official release of the specs for its newest gaming console has come out of Nintendo, but a source claims to have found leaked specs for the device and has published them online.

According to VentureBeat the Nintendo Switch will be utilizing nVidea’s Maxwell graphics-processing architecture. The Maxwell Tegra being used is part of last generation’s hardware and will sadly not boast the kind of processing power that any of its competitors have.

Fans were keen to learn how powerful the console is after months of speculation about whether or not the Switch would be more powerful than the PS4 or the Xbox One.

This isn’t to say that the Nintendo Switch won’t be able to bring gamers some great games. People are already excited for the systems launch titles, most notably the newest entry in the Legend of Zelda series.

The announcement trailer also showcased a gamer playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on a plane with the console in its handheld state; showcasing the consoles ability to run triple-A titles.

This news may not come as much of a shock, considering how Nintendo was never competing to create the most powerful machine, but the innovative design may be enough on its own to warrant a purchase when the console launches in March 2017.

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