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Nintendo Wants Super Mario Run to Rival Pokémon GO’s Success

Will the upcoming game Super Mario Run reach the kind of success rivaling the global hit Pokémon GO? Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima has expressed hope that it will.

Admitting his surprise at the hugely positive reaction to Pokemon GO, Kimishima further told Bloomberg that the Super Mario Run team, led by industry legend Shigeru Miyamoto, is working on “making sure [Super Mario Run] spreads out just as quickly as Pokémon GO.”

Kimishima also referred to Nintendo’s hope that the popularity of the new game, due to hit iPhone and iPad at an unspecified point in December and Android devices at a later date, will be encouraged by the fixed charge that players will be able to pay to unlock all of the gameplay.

This arrangement, Kimishima noted, “should give peace of mind that kids can play it”. So far, over 20 million people have signed up to be notified when the game is finally released, a statistic which certainly bodes well for its popularity on Apple’s mobile platform alone.

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