The story of Nathan Cole, a man who makes daily trips to try and rescue those still living in the apocalyptic hellscape of Oblivion, a part of Philadelphia lost a decade ago along with 300,000 of its citizens, has become one of the most popular modern-day post-apocalyptic comic books. Written by Robert Kirkman, best known for being the author of The Walking Dead comic book, and illustrated by Lorenzo de Felici, Oblivion Song has become such an important narrative that it has been confirmed that it would get an adaptation even before its final issue came out. Oblivion Song is an ongoing monthly series published by Image Comics, set to finish after #36 hits stores.
It has been collected into five chapters (six issues per chapter) and two books (twelve issues per book) so far, with a final chapter and a final book slated to come out sometime after #36 is published.
In June 2019, a year after the first issue came out, Universal Pictures announced that it would be adapting the sci-fi post-apocalyptic drama into a movie, with famous screenwriter Sean O’Keefe penned to write the script. After some time without any precise information, it has recently been confirmed that Jake Gyllenhaal signed on to star and produce in the adaptation of Oblivion Song.
In his role as a producer on the film, he is going to be joined by New Republic’s Brian Oliver and Bradley Fischer, Gyllenhaal’s Nine Stories partner Riva Marker, and Skybound Entertainment’s David Alpert, Bryan Furst, and Sean Furst.
“When faced with a cataclysmic event that permanently alters our lives, what would we choose to save?”, Riva Marker said in a statement. “Just as Kirkman did with The Walking Dead and Invincible, in Oblivion Song he’s created the potential for a franchise that is profoundly entertaining, and the perfect opportunity to explore big questions we’re reckoning with globally.”
We currently don’t have any additional information on the adaptation, but the whole idea seems promising at the time.