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PlayStation 5 to Allow “More Dynamic and Interactive” Worlds

Very little can be said with confidence about what the PlayStation 5 will be like, but it’s clearly not a sentiment held by one developer who has recently made bold predictions about the console.

In an interview with games magazine EDGE, Paul Ross, the co-founder of young development studio Three Fields Entertainment, recalled that, when work initially commenced on his recently-announced game Dangerous Golf, he was “thinking, OK, what does a PlayStation 5 game look like?”

According to, he continued: “With PS4 we’ve seen some fidelity put into the worlds, but PS5’s going to be about more dynamic worlds, far more interactive worlds that are more believable in the way they behave.”

As a former technology director for respected studio Criterion, Ross has some clout in the gaming industry, but it’s hard to judge what to make of his words given that even Sony has kept tight-lipped about the PlayStation 5. Nonetheless, given the commercial success of the PlayStation 4, pictured above, the appearance of a PlayStation 5 seems inevitable…

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