Questionary is a Great Way to Train Your Brain While Having Fun

QuestionaryTitleScreenDo you enjoy games like Song Pop, Draw Something, and Words With Friends? Then Questionary might be right up your alley. This in-depth title blends together brain-busting trivia with a unique social media twist. You’ll be able to play as a guest and stack up against random opponents, or log in to Facebook to challenge friends and family. There is also full Game Center integration for score tracking, and a challenging Achievements section for you to unlock.

This title operates like most other “one on one” social challenges. Upon choosing an opponent, you’ll be given a wheel with four possible question categories on it. You’ll have to spin the wheel and hope you get the category you want. You can change the categories that appear on the wheel, or even spin again (if you get a subject you don’t like) by spending special purple stars. It adds a unique level of difficulty, since you won’t always gain access to a subject you are familiar with.

Once your subject is chosen, the game moves much like Song Pop. You’re given five questions and a timer. Your job is to answer the five questions correctly and as quickly as possible. Once all your answers are in, the same five questions will be submitted to your opponent. The winner is the individual who answers more questions correctly, or in the case of a tie, the person who answered them faster. You’ll go through three rounds of this and best two out of three wins the set. These games are fast, easy, and really entertaining. The fact that you can play whoever you want, and send challenges whenever you want, without having to be there in “real time” makes this game even more convenient.


There is even a store where you can expend your winnings to buy more categories to add to your wheel. Questionary is absolutely free, so you’ve got nothing to lose. You can grab a copy from the App Store. They say trivia helps to keep your mind sharp, and what better way to get your daily dose than with an entertaining, light-hearted game like Questionary.

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