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Razer Begins Possible Development of New Gaming Tablet Dubbed “Project Fiona”

A lot of people have been focused lately on tech accessory developers in hopes that someone will craft a sleek and cohesive mobile gaming controller. And ever since the App Store started to see the addition of longer and more in-depth titles, hardcore gamers have been clambering for something that helps their tablets and phones to feel more like a console.

Although, at this last CES (2012), we caught a glimpse of an interesting looking tablet that promised to bring “hardcore handheld gaming” to those that craved it. A company named Razer showed off a very unique unit to a wide-eyed crowd. Their proposed gaming device was a hybrid touch-screen handheld that fused together the traditional tablet with that of a modern gaming controller.

The “Razer Gaming Tablet” showcased a 1280 x 800 resolution multitouch screen and an Intel i7 CPU with an “unspecified” segregated inner CPU that was dedicated purely for graphics. It also contained the Windows 7 operating system and had two “nunchaku-style” controller pads on either end, each complete with a full axis thumbstick. But almost as immediately as it was unveiled, it mysteriously disappeared from the radar.

At least until recently. Razer is apparently back onboard with their creation, which has been tagged with the name “Project Fiona.” But where did this sudden interest from Razer originate? The one place that everyone goes when they want insight from the general public, Facebook. The group launched a Facebook campaign to see how many people would actually be interested in their tablet idea. And after amassing a quick ten thousand likes, it seems that Project Fiona is underway and may soon be in development.

We don’t have much more information regarding the specifics of the tablet, but we will definitely reach out to Razer and see if they have anything they can tell us. Stay tuned to AppleMagazine for any more information regarding this possibly game-changing tablet!

Photo Credit: Razer

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