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‘Remote Play’ of PS4 Games Arriving on Mac and PC Tomorrow

Last month, we reported that Sony was to enable streaming and playing of PlayStation 4 games on Mac and PC through the company’s Remote Play feature. That functionality is arriving tomorrow, as it is included in the impending 3.50 system software update for PlayStation 4.

There has already long been a beta version of this update, though Remote Play for Mac was absent in this version. Nonetheless, from tomorrow, you will be able to use this feature for either Mac or PC, provided that the computer has the appropriate setup with the necessary equipment.

That equipment will include a PlayStation 4 console with its system software updated to version 3.50, a DualShock 4 controller and a USB cable. If you are using a Mac, it will need to run OS X 10.10 Yosemite or 10.11 El Capitan, while a PC will require Windows 8.1 or 10. Following the launch of the system software update, it will be possible to download the Remote Play Installer from this link.

Remote Play for Mac or PC will be available in 360p, 540p or 720p resolution and 30fps or 60fps frame rate, though which of these choices you can opt for will depend on your Internet bandwidth.

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