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REVIEW: Adobe Voice – Show Your Story (iOS)

There are many situations – in work or education, for example – where we can be called upon to put together an attractive digital presentation. For those of us who find more feature-rich software like PowerPoint too daunting, there’s Adobe Voice, which has recently been updated with iPhone support.

Though Voice has long been available for iPad, version 2.0 adds an iPhone version and allows easy synchronization between the two – meaning that you can now start a presentation on your iPad and finish it on your iPhone. The core software is something of a stripped-down but very slick PowerPoint; there are fewer customization options, but this also means much less room for error.

This helps to clarify the essential appeal of Voice: if you are short of time, but still want to avoid having to deliver a clearly sloppy and rushed presentation, this app’s wonderful simplicity could ultimately save your bacon. If, on the other hand, you are thoroughly experienced with making digital presentations, you are likelier to prefer the more advanced features of PowerPoint or Apple’s Keynote or iMovie – all of which, like Voice, are free.

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