See How Much You Remember With the Icon Pop Quiz

The world receives news and media at an alarming pace. Think about all of the pop culture, consumer technology, and iconic individuals you saw in 2012. Carly Rae Jepsen, Mitt Romney, PSY, Felix Baumgartner, these are just a few of the “famous faces” that popped up during last year. But how many of them do you actually remember? For that matter, how much do you recall about the last decade?

If I asked you to give me a list of 100 interesting things that happened in the last ten years, you might be a little pressed to give me answers. What you may not realize, though, is that a lot of things you have seen and lived through are subconsciously etched in your mind. So are you interested to see how much you “know” about famous icons and figures?

The Icon Pop Quiz is a fun, entertaining game developed by Alegriu that will have you digging deep in your mind to recall pop culture imagery from the past. This won’t be an easy test though. You won’t get a clear cut photo of the subject you’re trying to guess. Instead, you’ll get a glimpse at a very Andy Warhol-esque graphic. These graphics are subtle and lack much detail, but always give you “just enough” to formulate a guess. It’s actually quite interesting how easily you can recall a character just from a few subtle visual hints.

There are no timers in place here. You’re instead graded on accuracy. Guess something on the first try and you get 100 points. For each incorrect guess, you’ll be docked 10 points, taking down the total point value you can receive for the given photo. You’ll have to be careful though; correct spelling is a must.

There are a lot of puzzles to choose from, with categories like “fictional characters,” “movies,” and “pop culture icons.” Ā There have already been a few updates, too, and more packages are available for purchase. This app also features full Game Center integration, so you can challenge your friends to a battle of recollection. Grab Icon Pop Quiz (for free!)Ā from the App Store. It’s a great way to refresh your memory and a really fun challenge for parties and get-togethers.

Photo Credit: Alegrium


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