Now the makers of are developing Sherlybox, a small, desktop-based hard drive that “connects to [its user’s] network and creates a private cloud.” The device looks like a small alien pod, and only allows for a 2.5-inch harddrive to fit inside. Out of the box it has 1 TB of storage space, but it can connect “up to 127 external USB devices”. It’s supposed to work for Windows, Mac, and Linux devices, including mobile devices. The user can allow others to use the cloud by invite and upload and download data onto the storage device. Setup is quick and easy: all it takes is the push of a button (well, the push of a button three times in a row–but that’s still a simple setup). In tandem with the app, the Sherlybox is ideal for those who want to protect their sensitive data. But it isn’t quite ready to hit the shelves.
The company that creates Sherlybox needs $69,000 to be funded. Already, approximately $27,000 has been raised. Pledges run anywhere from just $1 to $5,000, but interested buyers must pay $149 to get a Sherlybox (sans drive) and a lifetime app license. With the drive, the price jacks up to $199. A single lifetime app license costs $29, though the company plans to start selling business licenses, with one license costing $360 per year once the Kickstarter campaign is official.