Star Wars: The Force Awakens Now Available in iTunes Store

Does this movie really need any introduction? No, probably not – so, we’ll get straight to the point. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now available to download from the iTunes Store, and there are plenty of reasons why now is a pretty good time to watch it, whether for the first or 2,634th time.

One is that the next Star Wars theatrical adventure, Rogue One, is on the horizon. If you are excited by the recently-released teaser trailer for that, now would be a good time to watch The Force Awakens, long before the next film’s December release arrives and you’re rushing to be among the first to see it.

Another reason is that, thanks to a new video of stars John Boyega and Daisy Ridley rapping about their experiences on set, The Force Awakens has become especially topical again. Check out the video, above, and also don’t forget to read our review of The Force Awakens in the new issue of AppleMagazine.

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