Steve Jobs Visonary “Venus” Sails On Without Its Captain

In 2009 a special project was launched by Steve Jobs and French designer Philippe Starck to co-design the beautiful yacht known as the Venus. It is easy to see the influence that Jobs had in the design of the boat besides the obvious features like the iMac control center. The crew were all given iPod Shuffles as gifts and thanks for their hard work on the vessel. The launch of the vessel is a bittersweet moment, with Jobs’ wife and children attending the event. You can’t help but be a bit sad with the absence of the genius luminary himself.

You can’t help but have some somber feelings and when you look at some of the photos of the yacht because it must set sail without its captain. In a way, this magnificent vessel is a monument to Jobs’ legacy and his legendary attention to detail. I think everyone who sets sail on this boat will immediately see and feel a piece of Jobs’ life and notice how his impacts were felt past the tech world. It’s sad to see such a stoic and magnificent piece of art set sail without the visionary that brought it to fruition, but the Venus is just one more beautiful creation that will help Steve Jobs’ legacy to live on.

The photos have helped to give us a little insight into the late Apple founder’s tastes and innovative ideals. You can see the incredible modern look and technological advances, yet still hold onto an organic boat feel.

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